Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Destiny is Ageless

Destiny is Ageless

Delores is a 66 year old resident in the United States who was born in Galicia, Spain and currently lives in Newark.  She came to the United States in 1997 and since that time has been involved with the health care industry. She had years of experience in the medical field and traveled throughout the country.  In her younger years, she expressed her opinions about how the health care system has changed.

“There are more rules today about getting certified as a Home Health Aide and who you can treat, but the basic principles about helping someone are still there and that's all I care about.  I just know I am giving someone the care they need.  I want to feel good at the end of the day because I helped someone.   I've seen a lot in my day. I've done hospice, mentored, and traveled to different places.  All I can say is that the feeling you get when you help someone else is priceless.  I feel blessed,” she smiled and described why she felt she had been bless.

“Destiny is ageless.   I was born to do this.  I love helping people.  It wasn't until recently I was told I had to get certified by the company I work with.  The patients I worked with wanted me to get my license. You're never too old to follow a dream. Don't let anyone tell you different.    I'll be ready to attend the Certified HomeHealth Aide class in the summer.   I hope you'll be happy to have me there because I am happy to begin studying again after years of not being in school,” she laughed.

Delores plans to travel back to Spain in the summer after she finishes her certification training.

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