Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Spirit of Giving

The Spirit of Giving 

The holiday season is upon us where rainbow colored raindrops light up the streets and cheery, upbeat melodies pulse from our car radios.  We ponder over the previous months. We express our concerns for how quickly the year went by and how we didn't get the opportunity to finish everything that we hoped to accomplish, but then we remember that their is always next year.  As fast as the month of December goes by, there is something about the month that keeps us begging for it to return the following year.

What is it about this time of year that brings the joy out of people?  It is a combination of an irreplaceable formula that is most prevalent this time of year.  It is what gives people their incredible sense of humanity.   We hear it, we see it, and we certainly feel it too.  It is the spirit of giving that allows us to go to extraordinary lengths to see someone smile during this time of year even if, we ourselves, are not at our best.  

The spirit of giving is fulfilling.  It meets the headlines because it reminds us that we are unbelievable when we go to extraordinary lengths for our fellow counterparts. The good in the world is highlighted by the remarkable sacrifices others make in order to give someone a better day.  This includes a variety of  feats.  It does not matter whether it's purchasing a gift for someone special, providing care for someone else, or donating to a special cause.  The feeling and joy of gratitude, that is received from the happiness we instill onto others with our selfless actions, are what drive us to continue this season tradition of giving.

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