Monday, January 23, 2017

Phlebotomy is a Form of Art

Phlebotomy is a Form of Art 

The title may throw you off already.  How is Phlebotomy related to art?  You know the art you see in museums by house hold names of Picasso, Leonardo Divinci, and Michelangelo to name a few.  It's almost impossible to make a connection unless you find someone who thinks otherwise.  I've met that particular someone who considers it an art form, and it was quite inspirational.  She opened my eyes to a whole new meaning of seeing the beauty in what you do.

Marimar is a 48 year old Phlebotomist that has traveled around the world. She's been to Australia, Spain, Portugal, France, and most states in the United States such as New Jersey, New York, Maine, Texas, Nevada, Mississippi, and California.  For every country or state she has gone to, she has worked and experienced the different methods for Phlebotomists.  While some regions require extensive training, Phlebotomy is similar in its job description.  Her work experience pertains to clinics, hospitals, and laboratories throughout the world.  

Phlebotomy consists of the process to obtain blood samples for lab diagnosis for most hospitals, health care facilities, and clinics.  Commonly, venous systems through venipuncture is the procedure that is used to draw blood from patients.  It is the most frequently used evasive procured used in modern medicine.  In most countries, throughout the world, this is the job description for most Phlebotomists. They are required to undergo unique training in their field.

In relation to Phlebotomy, art is defined as the expression or application of human creativity. Marimar compares her experience as a Phlebotomist to the sophisticated works of art she has seen throughout her visits to world wide Museums.

“Have you been to a Museum?  I've been to the Metropolitan museum.  It's one of my favorites because you see all the styles artists had around the world. I see Phlebotomy as a form of art too. Some don't see it that way because you're dealing with blood, but I do.  It takes precision, patience, practice, detail, and training to get a good grasp on how to be a proper Phlebotomist.  When I go to work, I see it as going to an art class .  You have to give it 100 percent every day that you're there to give your patients the best experience possible,” she prided with a big smile on her face. Marimar will continue to travel and work as a Phlebotomist until she is able to retire.

Phlebotomy is a craft that is useful in today's surging Health Care job market and one where individuals can find a sense of pride in what they do.

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