Saturday, February 18, 2017

Preventing Heart Disease as an EKG Technician

Preventing Heart Disease as an EKG Technician

Heart disease affects us directly and indirectly.  It does not matter what age you are whether young or old.  It is important to be aware of the risks factors that lead to heart disease, and it is our duty to attempt to better ourselves with steps we can utilize to prevent this serious condition.  

Natural ways to prevent heart disease
  • Drink more water 
  • Avoid smoking
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat fruits and vegetables
  • Maintain a healthy weight

In addition to the natural ways of helping fight heart disease, you can take an active role in becoming a part of the solution.  EKG Technicians play a vital role in today's society by being able to use their skills to keep track of irregular heart readings and guide patients into leading healthier lives.


As an EKG Technician specialist, you are saving lives by being part of the solution.  These specialists work with doctors and cardiologists to better analyze a patient's heart.  Heart disease can be prevented with the right screening and team.  

What do EKG Technicians do?

Their daily duties include the following; 
  • Performing electrocardiogram tests 
  • Creating print outs of the tests
  • Analyzing with the cardiologist and doctors 
  • Interacting with patients
  • Interpersonal skills 
Where can they work?
  • Hospitals
  • Private physician offices
  • Medical clinics
  • Health care facilities
What do I need in order to become an EKG Technician?
  • Certification from an approved educational facility
  • Desire to be in the health care profession
  • Compassion for helping others
EKG Technicians are needed throughout the United States because of their importance in fighting heart disease.  

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