Monday, April 17, 2017

Where to Start if You Can't Find Employment

Where to Start if You Can’t Find Employment

The jungle of employment is forever hard to weave through without a proper machete.  In other words, it is not easy. We’ve heard of unemployment rates dropping by the news around us.  If this was true, then why are unemployment lines still long. Why can’t all of us find employment then? You may be asking yourself this if you are reading this article and trying to figure out where to go next.
These tips will give you guidance and hopefully a set direction to get you started on finding a solid career. 
A resume is our gateway to success.  It sells our skills to the highest bidder. It provides a summary of what you can give to a company.  What you may be missing in your resume could be costing you an interview.  It’s okay to have someone else look at your resume, critique it, and give you advice to improve it.  You can always get better, and there is no shame in it.
This is an excellent source for employment.  Employers have a difficult time finding employees.  How can this be you ask? The truth is trying to find the right fit for your company isn’t as easy as it sounds.  A typical hiring manager has to read through millions of resumes in a span of days.  Then they have to schedule an interview.  The interviewee might not always show up.
The alternative is to go attend career fairs where they can see the individual face to face.  When employers attend these events, it is because they are in search of talent and ease of access to career seekers.
You probably won’t like this answer.  This may be the last place you want to go especially if you finished a 4-year degree and believe it or not your degree is valuable.  It’s about the experience behind it though.  Vocational training can give you the background to get a job quickly, gain the valuable experience, and move on to a better career.  As a Certified Nursing Assistant or a Certified Home Health Aide, there is a high demand for these positions.  There are more jobs than there are people for these positions! 
It may seem tedious, but internships are a step into the right direction.  As a new graduate, take it into consideration that a non-paid internship can get you the experience you need. In most companies, internships are a solid process to determine if you are a right fit. Companies use this as a tool to hire talent.  The work you do as an internship can  lead into a career with the organization if you put your hours in and ask the right questions.  If you are not losing, why not try it?
The path to employment is difficult.  It’s never a straight forward process, and the tips above are simple steps of moving you forward towards a career you’ve always wanted.  The most important thing to remember is to not give up.  Eventually, your time will come.

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