Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Power of Quotes

The Power of Quotes

There are millions of quotes on the internet.  You see them everywhere.  They are on social media, text books, movies, shows, and thousands of other platforms.  People have mastered their content by summarizing their view points into single sentence fragments that viewers use to bring change to their lives.

In historical context, quotes stand the test of time. I have yet to meet a single person who hasn't come across Martin Luther King's "I have a Dream.." quote which is one of the most famously used in millions of research papers across the nation.  The reason for why quotes are brilliant in this day and age is because of how accessible they are. It's the nature behind what humans believe and think that, despite the time periods we live, continue to remain true to today and with technology, these thoughts can be spread world wide in a matter of seconds.

Quotes have become a powerful messaging tool because they provide motivation, inspiration in our darkest hours, and they can relate to our daily existence.  Hearts may have unique experiences, but there are moments where they come together and they feel a certain way.  The most powerful quotes are the ones that come from the heart. 

Having used quotes to inspire people I've met to do better, I create them based on how I am feeling at the moment.  I want to motivate people to do their best whether it's finding a new job, losing weight, changing careers, or looking for something new.  I've noticed that quotes tend to give someone that extra light that they were in search of in less words.  It's essentially a sugar rush to know that someone out there thinks how you do, and they care about pushing you to do better.  If you think about it, their act is compassionate. They took time out of their day, used what pain or joy they had, and shared it to the world because they knew someone out there needed to see that they weren't alone.

In a sense, quotes are the force behind what can be the difference between success and failure, victory or defeat, good or evil, light or darkness, weight gain or weight loss, and many other conflicting realities.  The possibilities are endless and that to me is why quotes are powerful.

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