Wednesday, April 26, 2017

3 Positives of Receiving an Education at a Vocational School

3 Positives of Receiving an Education at a Vocational School 

The successful completion of high school is a monumental time in our lives.  It celebrates are journey into adult hood and independence.  At the same time, it recognizes that we have reached a new milestone in our lives.  We are no longer under the impression that we must follow a certain path in life in order to be considered successful.

Throughout the past 4 decades, a college degree was considered optimal and the right choice to make if you were interested in.  Is it the same now?  In recent studies, conducted by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is not a significant difference between salaries of a 4-year graduate versus a vocational school graduate.  If one takes into account that a majority of 4-year graduates use loans to pay for schooling, then the difference is significantly lower. 

1. Spend Less Time in a Classroom 

It's a difficult choice when deciding what you want to do with your future.  A classroom might not be something for you and that's why a vocational school could be a better choice for you.  In most career schools, programs can last anywhere from 3-weeks to 6 months.  This reduces your time in a classroom and more time earning a living. 

2. No Debt or Loans 

A trade school is inexpensive and a safe route if you don't want to drown in debt by your early 30's. This choice can be used to get yourself into the working field quickly.  Then, once you earn a good salary, you can use it to pay out of pocket for your classes.  

3. Trained in Your Specific Field 

In a 4-year school, you are given a choice to select your major until your sophomore year where it is almost forced upon that you select a core major.   Once you select a major that you are interested in getting a degree in, you are required to take classes that may or may not have anything to do with your major directly.  These core courses, while they are valuable, are not necessarily important to what it is that you need to learn or use in

A vocational school focuses on the primary skills you will need in order to do your job effectively. Employers throughout the United States search for individuals who are trained in their specified fields especially in health care and technical trade jobs. 

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