Friday, September 23, 2016

Five Fun Facts for Fall

Five Fun Facts for Fall
The fall season is officially among us.  It's the time of the season where leaves shift to a representation of our colorful souls,  pumpkins are everyone's favorite vegetable, and the pant sizes we prided ourselves in no longer seem to fit.

As sad as it is for the summer to be gone, Autumn does have its quirks. 

1. Pumpkins are craved the most during this time and whether it's for Friday the 13th Jack O' Lanterns, pies, or simply for decoration, pumpkins are everywhere

2. The yellow and orange you see on leaves exists all year around.  The main difference is that the chlorophyll within the leaves lessens due to the days getting longer and the sun's rays weakening.

3. Historically, Halloween dates back to the Celtic tradition.  The Celtics used disguises to hide from evil spirits, ghosts, and other creepy things. 

4. Evergreen trees never lose their color!

5. Employment rates for the Fall season, according to the Labor Statistics, increases due to the fact that more retail stores are looking to hire. With the seasons rolling around, such as Black Friday or Christmas, it's no wonder they need an extra hand.

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