Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Importance of being Prepared for the Work Force 

Talented, smart, education, skilled, prepared, well rounded.....The importance of being prepared in the work force is vital to the 2016 agenda of most educational facilities.  As an educational facility, it is our responsibility to prepare our graduates for what they may encounter during their adventurous plunders through the interview process, applying, and overall careers.  

Recently, E & S Academy attended the resume clinic at Rutgers, New Brunswick. We were appreciative of the opportunity to present our ideas, experiences, and overall optimism on aiding prepared students to harness their best assets.   It does not matter what field you are interested in.  It could be a medical career, engineering, or I.T specialty.  The main goal of the resume clinic was to educate the students on how to make their experiences during their education valuable to the work force. 

Throughout the two hours of our visit, the talented students welcomed the ideas to represent their best qualities.  They were bright individuals and with little guidance, they were well on their way to a brighter future.

The E & S Academy team is dedicated to providing its students the necessary tools to succeed in the work force. In addition, we offer free job resume classes that focus on interview skills, resume, and cover letters.  The main focus of our academy is to prepare students for the work force by reinforcing the concept that how you present yourself matters, and it certainly matters to us that our students represent quality, work professionals who will become valuable assets to any company.

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