Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Health Care is Timeless, The Feelings of Success are Endless

Health Care is Timeless, The Feelings of Success are Endless

In this world, there are over 7 billion soulful beings.  Their complex minds are filled with creative, imaginative, doubtful, fearful, and indecisive aspirations.  It is only human to dig deep within our minds for answers to who we are.  It can sometimes be overwhelming.  The world can be a cruel, unfair, unjust, and downright mean, yet there are countless who fight past the uncertainties to achieve their life's pursuit.

We all have our dreams.  As carefree children, we are taught that the sky is the limit.  If we work hard enough, that we can be successful at whatever it is that inspires us.  Then, as some of us age and become more aware of our surroundings, the belief that we can achieve anything our heart desires fades away.  The goals that were conceivable for the unstoppable youngsters aren't pursued.  For most, whether circumstantial or not, eventually regret not taking the time to find what it was that made them feel important.

Scoring a winning goal, solving a mind blowing mystery, performing in front of a live audience, or simply trying to regain a moment that was lost, it does not matter how silly or minuscule it may have been because those life pursuits are what defines us.  A former nurse, by the name of Maya and who preferred to have her full name undisclosed, expressed what it meant to go after your destined path.

"I was a Nurse, and it was my life's passions.  I felt like nothing when I came to the U.S, but I found E & S Academy.  It made me feel like someone again.  It's hard to come from another country where you are educated, and be told your nursing degree means nothing.  This academy let me be around something I love again.  Helping others in Health Care,"  she spoke humbly.

The timeless foundation of health care, that has served those in need since the dawn of time and throughout the world, could not survive without selfless individuals.  While she did not reach her life's pursuit completely, the concept and the vision kept her going.  It made her happy.  It engaged others around her to follow in her footsteps.  With a sunrise smile, a heartfelt glow in her eyes, the very idea that she was close to her passion brought her peace. 

Her first hand example is the reality that some face, but the end result of what she desired can be the same for anyone.  

There's no reason anyone else can't do the same or at least try their best to find their life's endless success.

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