Monday, December 26, 2016

The Five "Do Tips" for Interviews

The Five "Do Tips" for Interviews

The sweet success that you achieved is at your fingertips. You’ve climbed the mountain and reached the peak of your education. After a successful completion of your dedicated craft, you ask yourself an important question. What is next? The most obvious answer is to put your honed skills to work and to make money while doing it!

These are five tips of do’s to remember during an interview.

1. Do be prepared - Preparing for an interview, is no different than preparing for any other event in your life. Marathoners ready themselves with months of training, yet they have the right equipment too. You wouldn’t run a marathon without the proper sneakers! The same principle can be applied to an interview. When you go to an interview, bring extra copies of your resume, dress accordingly, and be confident.

2. Do your research – This is an important habit to get into. When you go into an interview, research the company that is looking to hire you. They want to know that you are passionate about working for them. It might even surprise the interviewer if you can mention a couple facts about the

3. Do not sell yourself short – It’s common practice for us to compare ourselves to others. We try to match our credentials to the competitor beside us, and then think negatively about what we have accomplished. The vital aspect to remember is that you are unique. You have a set of skills that might benefit the company you are looking to be hired from. In other words, not everyone needs to be a Bill Gates to be important.

4. Do be yourself - The worst thing anyone can do is be someone they are not. Your individuality is what will set you apart. As long as your honest and follow your instinct, you’ll have nothing to regret after the interview.

5. Do not let one no ruin your dreams – It took Thomas Edison 10,000 attempts to event the light bulb. The other 9,999 attempts were seen as failures by most, but to him, he saw it as 9,999 ways it wouldn’t work.  Could you imagine if he decided to give up?  The most successful people in the world aren’t ones who were always the most skilled or never failed. In actuality, they are the ones who were determined and took their failures as positives. They didn’t let a single no stop them from accomplishing their goals. The first, second, or one thousand interviews might not go as planned. but use them as lessons to learn from and please avoid getting down on yourself. How can you know what your capable of if you stop trying? You’ll never know if you give up!

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