Monday, January 2, 2017

3 Qualities to look for when Searching for a School

3 Qualities to look for when Searching for a School

There are two thousand six hundred eighteen four year colleges and universities alone in the United States which don't account for the two year colleges, technical schools, or vocational schools.  The options are limitless and choices endless, but creating a simple check list is helpful.

1.  Approved Program-  The legitimacy with what the school is offering and who they are approved by is important. The quality of education versus the price can narrow the options.

2. Price and Location- The affordability and the location of a school matter. A school that is within ten to fifteen miles of a home, but in a high business area give students a foot in the door while they save money.  Gas prices fluctuate throughout the year and can sometimes reach up to $4 dollars per gallon!

3. Job Outcome and Programs Offered-  The fields in need change with the times.  What was needed ten years ago could be on less demand. Healthcare is one of those booming industries that within 10 ten years, according to the U.S Labor Statistics, will increase by twenty five percent.

Students struggle to find the right path.  Sammy Darvee is a high school graduate.  She hasn't been in school for four years, and she is in search for a new career. Throughout her time out of high school, she wanted to take her time before she made the commitment to spend money on higher education because of the risk involved.  When asked what she discovered in her time off, she commented.

“It's been rough trying to look for something I am interested in doing and will pay well. I found some schools aren't approved by the Board of Education, but advertise that they are and then others don't supply the materials you need.  You gotta be careful of those scams too.  You pay the tuition cost and on top of that they ask you to pay for textbooks.  There's no way I can afford a four year degree right now or have the time to complete it.  I work full time and my schedule is a bit hectic.  It's a good thing you've mentioned to me about other options like trade schools or vocational schools.  I'll definitely take it into consideration,” she bubbled with enthusiasm for a brighter future.

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