Friday, May 12, 2017

5 Reasons to be Grateful for Mother's Day

"Mom, Momma, Mommy, Mama, Ma..."

The millions of ways we call for our mothers when we need something. Mother's day is reminder of a beauty in most of our lives. Bringing us joy as children and being our number one support through our troubles, mothers around the globe represent a harmony that can not be purchased. Their special ability to bring change through our youth is one to be valued and respected.

While shopping for my mom this week, I took a moment to reflect on why I was grateful for mother's day. My mind replayed a series of descriptive flashbacks of the sacrifices my mother made to give me a better future. The most significant memory was what she had to go through to get me into college. Beep, beep, beep - The alarm would go off at 4 in the morning as both my parents prepared for their vigorous work day.

My mom started her day at 4 in the morning. She walked ten miles to get to her work place and by the time I woke up to go to school my lunch was already packed.

She worked long, back-breaking hours in a factory, making minimum wage, and with no comforts of AC or Heating, to reassure that my brother and myself received a proper education.  She did this without a single complaint and with a smile on her face.  I remember the sweet aroma of delicious food waiting for me the second I stepped through the door. When my brother and I came home after school or soccer practice, even after the long work day she had, we had a home cooked meal ready for us to devour courtesy of our incredible mother.  At the time, I didn't recognize all the things she did for me, but now I do, and I cherish it with every fiber of my being. 

I will forever be in debt to her, and this is why I had to write a piece for all the mothers that have done the same for their children. 

These were the four reasons I am grateful for mother's day.

Unconditional Love

The instant we are born our mothers protect us. They hold us close. They nurture us. In her arms, the universe is a divine, and her love for you unconditional. There is no better nurse, doctor, or medicine.


If the world was against you, your mother would not be one of them. A mother has a unique bond with their child and while the world may not necessarily believe in her child's honesty, she will never think otherwise. It's a type of blindness that is pure and just.


As we get older, we become aware of the hardships that our mothers shielded us from when we were children. They can not do this forever. Eventually, we are forced to face these problems head on, but not alone!


Mothers will sacrifice everything to ensure that their children have the best in life. They go through measurable amount of pain to give life to us. They'll work long hours, push aside their goals, and put their kids first. This a special heroism that goes unnoticed, yet it is one of the reasons humanity progressed.

I thank mother's day because it gives me a chance to at least "try" to repay her, but I know I will never come close.


Mothers are thankful to have you in their lives.  They don't expect a lot from you, and they cherish your existence.  There is nothing more powerful than feeling wanted in someone's life.

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