Friday, May 12, 2017

Considering a Home Health Aide License

It seems strange that this point of my life I am still searching for a career path or a passion that will keep me satisfied. I have my close relatives tell me that I should be a writer, a soccer player, or do whatever it is that I love to do and make a living out of it. While I agree, I cannot wrap my mind on settling on one thing.

At this present time, I don't have a set career goal. I'm not the most talented individual in the world, but I do have skill sets that are useful and practical.

It wasn't until yesterday, when I spoke to a man who had a disabled son and desperate to find a caregiver who could give the proper care his son deserved, that I realized that there was more for me to explore. He wanted to take a Home Health Aide certification class to take care of his son while making a living too. It was a smart option and one I respected.

He changed my perspective in that moment.

I considered the possibility of getting a Home Health Aide license and not because I genuinely had a joy for the field. The extra money on the side was a consideration. After the time I spent researching, I discovered the shortage of valuable Home Health Aides in today's society due to a number of factors.

The one factor that struck me the most was how little people knew of the profession and the advantages. Then it hit me like a funny joke I didn't fully understand at first...I was one of those individuals who had no knowledge of the benefits of having a license other than adding more certifications onto my resume. The prestige wasn't the driving factor of my decision .

What changed my mind was my passion to help others. I thought about all the countless people who are in desperate need for care and all it would take is 76 hour course for me to help someone.

It takes someone, a special someone, to show compassion and empathy to complete strangers who at times have no one to look after them. In a sad, yet bittersweet way, you become more than a caregiver, but a friend or a family member to those who need it the most. It's almost like your becoming a super hero with selfless ambitions aimed to make the world a better place.

It definitely can be done. You could be this person. I could be this person. The next time your confused on what path to choose and your not sure what to do with yourself. Why not consider an option of helping others?

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