Thursday, May 4, 2017

What to do as a Home Health Aide

What to do as a Home Health Aide 

This week I came across several college students uncertain about their futures.  When asked, "what are you looking to get into?" some hesitated, shrugged while others were desperate for work experience to get them started in the right direction.  It amazed me how many individuals needed guidance and reassurance even though they had a degree in their particular area of study.

I knew the look of uncertainty all too well.  I was in their shoes once desperate for an answer.  I've experienced it. I've endured it. With eagerness to assist them on their journeys to success,  I smiled at them and asked them if they knew anything regarding Home Health Aides. In most responses, I received a definitive no.  The truth is there are a variety of advantages of having a Home Health Aide license especially if you are a college student in search of a direction to lead into.

Part Time Work 

If you need extra income on the side, the HHA certification/license is ideal.  A HHA can have flexible hours, choose his/her days to work, and be employed by multiple home care agencies. The amount of work available exceeds the amount of employees in search of it.  This means, finding a quick source of income, is easier as a caregiver.

Flexible Schedules 

Among the part-time hours, the flexible schedules accommodate even the busiest of individuals.  The current part-time status, in other employment fields, such as retail, require employees to compromise or risk the chance of getting undesirable schedules.  This is not an issue as a Home Health Aide since most of them can pick and choose the their hours.  

Valuable Experience 

The underlying benefit is the experience you gain from working with a variety of clients.  There are valuable skills necessary in order to be a HHA including understanding and patience.  These two traits are essential to customer service in any field.

Potential for Growth 

A Home Health Aide license can be and do more.  It's a gateway to other prestigious medical fields as most HHA's can utilize their backgrounds to excel to more advanced careers. I've provided a list of the career advances.

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