Monday, May 8, 2017

Why Vocational Schools are Helpful

Thousands upon thousands of high schools throughout the country host college fairs to give their students a look into their bright future. There are some high schools more fortunate than others to host quality four year Universities to provide for their graduating seniors. The majority of seniors are eager to start their education. Is that the case for everyone? 

There are too many times where we make assumptions on what is the right path to take in regards to our lives and education. Throughout the 20th century, 4-year schools have been the priority for most families. They should be promoted because they add value! However, this emphasis on what is right and what is wrong is where there seems to be a dilemma.

Everyone has a different journey in life. A 4-year school, directly after high school, is the majority ideal of what is the right way to go, but is it the only way? It's not. In reality, people throughout history, such as George Foreman and Einstein, were praised for their successful inventions, yet they were high school drop outs who managed to use their education and experience to create their iconic names. To be successful, it doesn't necessarily mean that you followed the right path in life. Success, in its definition, is achieving something of value.

While 4-year schools are ideal for success, education, in itself, should be promoted in all aspects to all types of individuals. The freedom to choose is what makes the United States an incredible nation. We, as a whole, need to stop pointing fingers and assuming that one path is the right path because there is no right path. We each have our journey in life.

The reason why vocational schools are important in the United States is because they give individuals another pathway to success. Ignore some of the bad rumors you've heard of trade schools. The fact is they bring a positive outlook in the job market. Employers, throughout the country, are in search of skilled professionals who are directly trained in their field whether it's medical or technical.

This is another thing to take into account. A trade school is another form of education that targets people's specific talents to bring the best out of their skill sets! Education, in all aspects, is the key to opening doors. We may have different opinions of how , but make no mistake about it.....It's vital to our progress that we promote and extend options to a variety of people.

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