Sunday, June 11, 2017

Home Health Aides are the Future of Health Care

Home Health Aides are the Future of Health Care 

You need to forget about what you've heard on the news regarding Home Health Aides or health care in general.  The ACA repeal won't slow the industry down one bit.  The employment rates continue to rise including available job opportunities.  

The main reason for this unstoppable growth is because of how valuable it is to the general public. The baby boomer generation prefer home care.  The majority of them see it as an a necessity for a comfortable future.  It benefits their health and limits their stress levels.  Home Health Aides provide companionship, care, and are trained to meet the specific needs of their patients. 

Aging Population Wants Home Care Services

The aging population want home care services.  According to a national poll, a growing number of Americans age 40 and older want Medicaid to cover the expenses to in-home care services.  What does this mean for Home Health Aides? It means that they have a secured future regardless of what happens to the current economy.  Their skills do not lose value or currency. 

Home Health Aides are an Instant, Quality Assurance Service

In this day in age, there is nothing better than instant services. Consumers, at all markets, value the ability to process their needs quickly and effectively.  Cell phones, internet, fast food, e-commerce, and other portable features give us the ability to instantaneously do what it is that we require accomplished.  A consumer can finish their shopping or daily activities in half the time that it used to take 20 years ago. 

Health care is no different.  Home Health Aides are an instant service, but with quality assurance. Their trained professionals who specialize in care.  They are available 24/7 and can be placed in homes if necessary.  These compassionate caregivers are nurses on the front lines who do an incredible service for the community.  The access to a portable health care is as important as anything. Since it involves personal health, people will place more value in it than in other field because health is universal.  

History has Proven its Worth 

Did you know Home Health Aides were known as visiting nurses?  While Home Health Aides have become more valuable in the past decade, their services have existed throughout history.  Physicians and nurses in the early 1900's visited homes to give services. They were known as nurses rather than caregivers. 

Health care was primarily given in the home, but because of the increasing demand of the general public's importance on long-term care, the number of nurses to physicals to patients became inefficient to meet the need. During the 1930's, most care and acutely ill patients were transitioned to hospitals.  Typically, nurses provided long term care in the home.  

In the 1950's, hospitals referred home care nurses to aide with the discharge of patients.  Home health care agencies were funded by charitable contributions until the Medicare Act in 1965. This change in the health care system expanded the home care business tremendously.

A new payment method sped the process. The 80's and 90's brought a sudden change and urgency for care in the home because of the prospective payment method conducted by hospitals to discharge patients quicker, more effectively. As a result, home care services were recognized as an important and today it remains strong. 

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