Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Key Health Care Growth Rates in 2017

If you are searching for  key employment trends in 2017, consider health care as one of the key industries for job openings.  Forbes and Indeed both agree that it's one of the strongest fields to get into. 

You don't need to be a doctor or a RN to reap the benefits of a medical career. There are several certifications that are continuously rising and recession free. What does recession free mean? It means that, if the market changes, these types of licenses remain untouched in the employment sector.  You'll be able to find employment regardless of the present job market situation.

What are the Numbers? 

A list of  employment growth and trends for the next ten years are as follows. 

The Numbers Look Good...Now What? 

As you can see from the list above, with some of the top certification courses that are offered for the money, the hiring rates are high and every year they continue to rise due to the tremendous amount of people who require health care in the United States.  The ranges are anywhere from 20 to 30 percent which is higher than any other field! 

The best part about these certifications and licenses is how minimal they are.  They require minimal training, studying, and are primarily hands on training. These courses are typically completed within 3-8 weeks depending on the vocational school you decide to train with.

I'd recommend searching for a vocational school near your location to get more information on how you can pursue a career in health care. 

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